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The Reference Desk

A collection of articles and essays prepared by our crack staff of researchers and writers exclusively for your education, entertainment and enjoyment...

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Spargo-1.jpg (6857 bytes)John Spargo and the Bennington Pottery

washington-1.jpg (6099 bytes)How George Washington's
                               Candlesticks Killed G.D. Smith

reifsnyder-1.jpg (5622 bytes)The Greatest American Furniture Sale Ever Held

diamondnecklace-thumbnail-2.jpg (6880 bytes)  The Affair of the Diamond Necklace

casey-thumbnail-1.jpg (8778 bytes)  Ernest Lawrence Thayer and "Casey at the Bat"

britannica-thumbnail-1.jpg (3764 bytes)  The Magic of the Britannica 11

Etruscan-6.jpg (7285 bytes)The Case of the Etruscan Terracotta Warriors




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