Resources are a few cool sites.
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A Word About Internet Auctions
Associations devoted to Books-
Antiquarian Booksellers Association of America. A
national organization of antiquarian booksellers founded in 1949 to encourage and promote
interest in and appreciation of fine and antiquarian books and other printed materials and
manuscripts. Members are expected to maintain the highest professional ethics and
standards. The ABAA sponsors annual book fairs in several cities including New York,
Boston, Los Angeles/San Francisco, and Chicago. A membership directory is available by
mail, and a website is maintained. ABAA, 50 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10020.
Bibliographical Society of America.
"Membership in The Bibliographical Society of America is open to all those interested
in bibliographical problems and projects." A quarterly journal is published.
Bibliographical Society of America, PO Box 397, Grand Central Station, New York, NY 10163.
The Manuscript Society. "The Manuscript
Society is open to all persons, firms, groups and institutions interested in and concerned
with manuscripts. The purposes of the Society are: to encourage the use of manuscripts for
research in history, literature, the arts and other forms of culture...". A journal
is published and an annual 3-day meeting is held in May. The Manuscript Society, 960 East
Fairmont Drive, Tempe, AZ 85282-2844.
Massachusetts and Rhode Island Antiquarian Booksellers,
Inc. A regional association of 145+ antiquarian
booksellers founded in 1976 to promote antiquarian bookselling and to further education
and promote professionalism in the trade. A directory of members is available by mail; a
web-site is maintained. MARIAB, PO Box 1324, Springfield, Massachusetts 01101.
A WebList of Dealers in Fine Rare Books, Manuscripts, and
Maps. The dealers listed are among the approximately 475 members of the
Antiquarian Booksellers' Association of America.
Mailing Lists devoted to Books-
Rare Books Mailing List. An e-mail mailing
list for anyone interested in better books, on a wide variety of topics, from first
editions to architecture, gardening to alchemy. Subscriptions to recieve mail from the
list are free, and all the info you need is on the RBML's web page, including more
information on the fine book dealers who offer their books for sale.
The Bibliophile Mailing List. An e-mail list for
anyone interested in the many, myriad aspects of the old book trade. This page describes
the list and lets you browse the dealer database; you can also subscribe (but be aware,
the list generates 150-200 e-mails a day!).
Non-Commercial and Educational Websites devoted to
Antiquarian Book Shops & Associations on the
World Wide Web. An informative site managed by British bookdealer Marcus
Williamson, listing dealer's websites, as well as on-line sites for bookseller's
associations, search services, and other places of interest.
The Pop-Up World of Ann Montanaro. A wonderful
exhibit of pop-up books at Rutgers. The site includes interesting links to other pop-up
Other Cool Booksellers-
Augustine Funnell Books-
offers a fine selection of used and collectible hardcover and paperback books:
SF/Fantasy/Horror, Mystery/Suspense/Thriller, Fiction, Canadian Fiction, Plays/Poetry,
Auto/Biography, Military, Non-fiction, Signed stuff, Adult, Western, and more!
Boston Book Company. Specializes
in fine Orientalia and Literature. They've been on the Web since it was very young...
Brattle Bookshop -Boston's oldest,
best-known bookshop.
Charles McKee - Books. A very cool site
with specialties in Canadiana, Astronomy & Science.
Websites devoted to Americana-
The American Folklife Center Website. The American Folklife Center in the Library of Congress was created by the U.S.
Congress in 1976 to "preserve and present American folklife." The Center
incorporates the Library's Archive of Folk Culture, which was founded in 1928 as a
repository for American folk music. The Center carries out its congressional mandate
through its collections, programs, and services, which have touched all fifty states.
The Folklife Center maintains a public reading room and reference service, sponsors
concerts and events at the Library, and produces both print publications and published
recordings from its collections.
Maine Antique Digest. "The Marketplace for Americana" and much more. For decades now
the Maine Antique Digest has been a brilliant monthly assemblage of news, views, auction
reports, undercover stories, and everything else that's worth knowing in the fields of
American antiques and folk art. And now they have a web site. A large, colorful,
interesting web site. You'll be glad you visited.
Early American Industries Association.
"The purpose of the Association is to encourage the study and better understanding of
early American industries in the home, in the shop, on the farm, and on the sea; also to
discover, identify, classify, preserve and exhibit obsolete tools, implements and
mechanical devices which were used in early America." The association publishes the
Chronicle. EAIA, PO Box 143, Delmar, NY 12054.
Society of American Silversmiths. "SAS is
the nation's only professional organization solely devoted to the preservation and
promotion of contemporary silversmtihing... Another Society aim is to assist those
students who have a strong interest in becoming silver craftsmen". The Society
maintains an extensive web page with a gallery of artisans' work, list of members,
resource lists, classified advertisements, and more. Society of American Silversmiths.
Jeffrey Herman, Director. PO Box 3599, Cranston, RI 02910.
Miscellaneous Cool Websites-
Association for Gravestone Studies. "The
mission of the Association for Gravestone Studies is to foster appreciation of the
cultural significance of gravestones and burial grounds through their study and
preservation." A newsletter is published. 278 Main Street, Suite 207. Greenfield,
Massachusetts 01301.
The Flag Smith. Whitney Smith, PhD, coined the word "vexillology", meaning the study of flags, close to 50 years ago. Today Dr. Smith, a pioneer in the world of flags, is recognized as the world's preeminent expert on the subject. He designed the national flag of Guyana and the flags of Aruba and Bonaire, been commissioned for flag design work by the Royal Saudi Naval Forces, the Tennessee Valley Authority, Guam, the US Patent and Trademark Office, and Boston College, written 26 books about flags, founded and managed the Flag Research Center, and compiled the largest flag library in the world - with roughly 250,000 flag-related documents and thousands of books and artifacts.
The Victorian Web. A
sprawling website devoted to all aspects of Victorian Britain and Victorian-era Britons,
including the arts, politics, social life, economics, religion, literature, philosophy,
science, technology, and more! A large, diverse site, it is hosted by Brown University,
and is the creation of George P. Landow. An outgrowth of some of the courses at Brown, it
provides the enthusiast of Victorian times with a vast amount of information, insight and
resources, as well as many links to other sites and organizations.
The William Morris Society Home Page. A great resource for lovers of the Arts & Crafts designer's work, with a
number of links to related cool Arts & Crafts and Victorian sites. There are also
details of the current exhibition, "William Morris: The Collector as Creator" on
view through February 15th at the Grolier Club in New York.
Informative Website Resources every Webhead
should have bookmarked-
The Computer Virus Myth Website. One of the most comforting, interesting and informative sites on the web! This
website explains and details every computer virus myth and hoax you can think of, explains
generic myths which seems to recur constantly, outlines urban legend myths, and also
offers good advice for dealing with real virii, and information on just exactly what is
and is not possible in this field. You can read about all your favorite myth-viruses like
Good Times, AOL FREE and April Fool hoaxes, trace the spread of virus-alert messages
around the globe, and even vote for your favorite in the Computer Virus Hysteria Awards!
An essential site to bookmark.
Interesting Exhibitions on the Web-
Paper, Art, and the Book. An exhibition of modern book-artist's books, ranging from the beautiful to the
whimsical, absurd and thoughtful. An exhibition of the Center for Book Arts, the main
Colophon Book Arts pages are linked from this exhibition site. This is a very interesting
site for anybody who enjoys the book arts. I wish I had had more time to spend there, and
I've bookmarked it to go back soon.
Paper Dinosaurs, 1824-1969.
An exhibit both on and off-line at the Linda Hall Library. The website exhibition features
all the images included in the "live" exhibit. This is a great collection of
materials on the early history of dinosaur discovery and restoration. The images reproduce
very well. Plan to spend some time!
Science and the Artist's Book. A group of nationally-recognized book artists was given the assignment of
studying classic books in the field of science and creating their own version based on
these classic texts. From Newton to Agricola, the book artists have recreated their own
version of these great books, which are now exhibited side by side with the rare
originals. Based on Bern Dinbner Collection of science books, this exhibition spans a wide
variety of topics and times. A fascinating and mind-expanding exhibition. Sponsored by the
Smithsonian Institution Libraries and the Washington Project for the Arts. Plan to spend
some time at this site.
"The Most of Special Collections!" The Special Collections Department at the University of Virginia Library
presents: "The Most of Special Collections!" "An exhibit of rare books, manuscripts, and other
objects in the Special Collections Department of the University of Virginia Library. 21
categories of the most rare, important, peculiar, or deplorable items in the collection
are on display, some for the first time. Categories include the Most Beautiful, Rarest,
Oldest, Most Royal, Naughtiest, Ugliest, Scariest, Most Controversial, and more." This
is a great site! Our only caveat is that it takes a while to download, especially if you
have a slower machine. Once you're there plan to spend at least 30-45 minutes -the site is
extremely addictive.